Beer Books

I forgot to mention that for Christmas I got a bunch of new beer reading material.

Beer Books

I received:

I have not read any of the books yet, only paged through them. The beer and food pairing book looks really well laid out and looks like it has potential, but it’ll be interesting to see if the pairings really compliment each other. Narragansett is a now out of commission brewery from Rhode Island. Jeff and Kim picked this one up for me when they lived up there. The homebrewer’s garden may be useful for when I (try) to re-plant me hops this spring. Hopefully it’ll help me come up with a dope system. Brewing classic styles is a new book that I’ve wanted since it was released. I think it’ll be a bore to read straight through, it’s very formated, but I could see myself referencing it during formula formulation. And the drink as much as you want book was written by a nutritionist, so really it appears to be a total body health book that allows for drinking in your diet. He also talks about combinations of alcohol, food, other toxins and so forth that make things worse than normal, really pack on the pounds, and lead to hang overs. Could be interesting. So, looks like I’ve got some reading to do.

4 Responses to “Beer Books”

  1. Mark Hellendrung Says:

    Hope you enjoy the book about Narragansett Beer. Just wanted you to know the we’re back up and running and having great success in New England!

  2. Brian Says:

    HEY! Very cool to leave a comment, I wish you all the best. Thanks for putting me straight.

  3. Joe Mama Says:

    what, did they run out of harry potter books, jerky? 😉

  4. Fool Circle - Artisanal Ales » Blog Archive » New Beer Books Says:

    […] I received two of these for my birthday, so I’m really slow. But I did have a similar post last year, and it was even later, so there. Anyway, this is the new […]

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