Red Card Ale

Batch Number: 71
Type: 9D - Irish Red Ale
Alc Percent: 4.00%
- 3rd Place in the 9D. Irish Red Ale category at the Eastern Division in the first round of the 2005 National American Homebrewers Association (AHA) competition.
- Gold Certificate winner in the 2005 National AHA competition.
- Advances to the second (and final) round of the 2005 Natonal AHA competitition.
- BEST OF SHOW at the 2005 BUZZ Off.
- 1st Place in the 9D. Irish Red Ale category at the 2005 BUZZ Off.
- Invitation to the 2006 National Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB).
Notes & Comments:
(sidebar) Kavanagh Brewing Co. - Highbury Upon Christina - Red Card Ale is an Irish Red Ale similar to a big Amber Ale, but brewed with an Irish yeast strain from one of the oldest Stout-producing breweries in the world. This ale is the first attempt at creating beer for Acolyte Brewer Mike Kavanagh. He looks forward to continuing this new adventure.
This beer was brewed with Acolyte/Assistant Brewer Mike Kavanagh. This was Mike's first attempt at brewing and I think he enjoyed himself for he is talking about acquiring his own equipment. Mike did a really good job. I think he was very uncertain of things throughout, but I think that could have been because he was brewing with someone that has done it before and he didn't want to "mess up". Honestly there are more things that can become messed up that are out of the brewers control than in.
Well, I have comments from Mike and myself now. I will leave the styles guidelines up for this beer, why not!?
I had Mike and I fill out BJCP score sheets, it was something different and fun to do.
Mike says, "Red Card Ale has a pleasant smell, slightly hoppy, but not too much though. It pours with a smallish head, some cloudiness (expected [homebrew]), and a reddish hue when held to the light getting darker towards the top of the glass. Don't really taste the hops at first, then they seem to kick in. Very smooth beer, somewhat creamy. Some slickness on the palate, and the carbonation seems about right. Overall a very pleasant beer, I would definetly make it again." Make gave this beer a 41 out of 50 - excellent beer range.
Brian says, "Red Card smells malty at first, almost a light caramel smell, almost no hops in the aroma. It appears to be the color or instant iced tea and raspberry crystal light mixed together. With light passing through the beer it appears to be more of a cherry walnut hue. The flavor seems slightly toasty malt with a through-out bitterness. A very slight toasted marshmello taste followed by green grass (very slight). It has medium body with adequette carbonation. Slight astringency/puckering feeling on the sides of tongue. Overall this is a nice quaffable beer. May do better at slightly warmer drinking temperatures, 45-65 degrees perhaps. A little more hops overall next time to help balance. Not bad at all for a first beer." I gave this beer a 29 out of 50 - good beer range.
9D. Irish Red Ale
Aroma: Low to moderate malt aroma, generally caramel-like but occasionally toasty or toffee-like in nature. May have a light buttery character (although this is not required). Hop aroma is low to none (usually not present). Quite clean.
Appearance: Amber to deep reddish copper color (most examples have a deep reddish hue). Clear. Low off-white to tan colored head.
Flavor: Moderate caramel malt flavor and sweetness, occasionally with a buttered toast or toffee-like quality. Finishes with a light taste of roasted grain, which lends a characteristic dryness to the finish. Generally no flavor hops, although some examples may have a light English hop flavor. Medium-low hop bitterness, although light use of roasted grains may increase the perception of bitterness to the medium range. Medium-dry to dry finish. Clean and smooth (lager versions can be very smooth). No esters.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body, although examples containing low levels of diacetyl may have a slightly slick mouthfeel. Moderate carbonation. Smooth. Moderately attenuated (more so than Scottish ales). May have a slight alcohol warmth in stronger versions.
Overall Impression: An easy-drinking pint. Malt-focused with an initial sweetness and a roasted dryness in the finish.
Comments: Sometimes brewed as a lager (if so, generally will not exhibit a diacetyl character). When served too cold, the roasted character and bitterness may seem more elevated.
Ingredients: May contain some adjuncts (corn, rice, or sugar), although excessive adjunct use will harm the character of the beer. Generally has a bit of roasted barley to provide reddish color and dry roasted finish. UK/Irish malts, hops, yeast.
Vital Statistics:
1.044 - 1.060 1.010 - 1.014 17 - 28 9 - 18 4.0 - 6.0%
Commercial Examples: Moling's Irish Red Ale, Smithwick's Irish Ale, Kilkenny Irish Beer, Beamish Red Ale, Caffrey's Irish Ale, Goose Island Kilgubbin Red Ale, Murphy's Irish Red (lager), Boulevard Irish Ale, Harpoon Hibernian Ale