Malt Madness #2
Looks like the results from the Malt Madness homebrew competition are in and our efforts were well received!
Three out of our six entries placed, and I think that’s pretty damn good! (See original post here.) Garrett’s Abbey Brown ale placed third in the Belgian Dubbel category, our Gnarleywine placed third in the American Barleywine category, and my Hazelnut Brown placed second in the Specialty Beer category. I was actually surprised to not see Garrett’s Travelers & Tourist beer in the Belgian Dubbel category also for that is an awesome beer. Wouldn’t that have been cool to see his name twice for two different beers in the same category? The other two beers I honestly wasn’t too surprised to see them not place. My Saison is a good beer but doesn’t fit the BJCP style guidelines, and our Saturday IPA is a bangin’ fresh IPA but my bottles are having carbonation issues which I am sure more than anything else is holding that beer back. I will post more after I get the results back.
September 9th, 2007 at 10:16 pm
Nice!! Congrats
September 10th, 2007 at 6:20 am
The IPA category also had almost 30 entries, whereas most other categories were half of that (15) or less… so the IPA category would have been a really tough one to compete in. Everyone thinks they can brew a hop bomb, so god knows what other people submitted… like you said, we’ll have to see what the judging notes say when you get them. Perhaps we’ll counter-pressure fill some and wait for Split Rock.
September 11th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
[…] took 3rd for my Abbey Brown and a joint 3rd with my buddy Brian for our Gnarleywine in a competition on Saturday. Read Brian’s blog for […]